Linggo, Abril 3, 2016

Health Benefits of Buah Merah

The “RED FRUIT” and its Benefits

Buah Merah comes from the Indonesian term Buah (meaning Fruit) and Merah (meaning Red). It simply means Red Fruit and looks like a giant carrot. Buah Merah can only be found in the mountainous parts of Papua, Indonesia.
Dr. Nishigaki from the School of Medicine of Shinshu University in Japan, discovered the miraculous healing benefits of Buah Merah. His research found out that the Buah Merah oil extract contains extremely high levels of a rare anti-oxidant called Beta-Cryptoxanthine which can strengthen the human body's immunity against chronic and degenerative diseases. Dr. Nishigaki also found out that Buah Merah significantly lowers risk of lung cancer.


Another scientist, Professor Elin Yulinah Sykandar, from the Pharmacy Department of the Institute of Technology in Bandung, Indonesia, also studied the anti-inflammatory properties of Buah Merah. Her laboratory experiments have shown that Buah Merah contains inflammatory inhibition activities with performance as high as 97%, yet it does not pose any toxicity effect on the human body. This research laid a solid proof on Buah Merah's anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties.
Buah Merah is recognized as a Functional Health Food in Japan and has been used by the Japanese consumers since 2006.

Buah Merah Mix

Each of these super foods offers many health benefits to the human body. But combined together they bring an unparalleled synergy of nutrients that can help the human body to recover from a myriad of chronic degenerative diseases.
This has been made possible only with Buah Merah Mix. Thanks to Essensa Naturale!


·         Gives Extra Energy & Improves Stamina
·         Boosts the Immune System
·         Fights Cancer Cells
·         Reduces Bad Cholesterol
·         Normalize Blood Sugar Level
·         Detoxify Toxins
BUAH MERAH MIX will help those are suffering from:
·         High Cholesterol
·         Alzheimer’s Disease
·         Cancer
·         Asthma
·         Bronchial Problem
·         Diabetes
·         Prostrate Problem
·         Poor Memory
·         Constipation
·         Stroke
·         Urinary Tract Infection
·         Weak Body
·         Anemic
·         Back Pain
·         Lupus
·         Goiter
       Other Degenerative diseases

How to Take Buah Merah Mix

For Dietary Supplement: Take 1 bottle cap in the morning and 1 bottle cap in the evening. Use the bottle cap for measurement. This dosage is enough to keep our body healthy and prevent diseases.
For mild medical condition such as fever and flu: Take 2 bottle caps in the morning and 2 bottle caps in the evening.
 For chronic health problems such as cancer, stroke, heart disease, hyper-tension, tumor, cysts, etc.: Take 1 bottle daily; half in the morning and half in the evening.
 Best time to drink Buah Merah Juice is 30 minutes before meal on an empty stomach.
 Follow-up with 1-2 glasses of water after taking the juice. This helps in the smooth distribution of nutrients throughout our body. Be sure to drink 1-2 litters of mineral or alkaline water throughout the day.
Storage: 1 bottle of Buah Merah Mix can be taken for 1 week up to 15 days. You can store the juice at room temperature for not longer than 5 days. A slight fermentation will take place making the juice more potent and effective. For 5 days and above, place the juice inside the refrigerator.

buah merah mix
miracle fruit
natural healing
heal for cancer
natural cure for cancer

health benefits of buah merah

1 komento:

  1. Thanks for the detailed explanation to the healthy buah merah.
